Emergency Services

If you are in immediate danger or if you know of someone in immediate danger, call 999. When calling 999 there is an option for silent support if talking would put you in danger, dial 55. If possible, try and find somewhere you feel safe. 
If there are any life or health threatening conditions go to Accident and Emergency. Call 999 and request an ambulance. 
On campus 
If you feel unsafe or need help, call security on 0114 225 8888.
When you are out
A number of pubs and bars in Sheffield are part of the Ask for Angela Campaign. You can ask bar staff to speak to Angela if you feel unsafe or need support to leave discretely and or contact police

If you need to get home or somewhere else safely, use the Safe Rides Scheme you can get a taxi home even if you don't have money and then can leave your SHU card as a deposit and pay later at the Studentd Union. 

Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault Referral Centre
A Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) offers support for a range of needs after a sexual assault.  You can receive forensic medical examinations, referrals for specialist counselling and support, healthcare including access to medicine.   You don't have to report to the police, but forensic samples can be taken soon after an assault to preserve that choice if you decide to do this later. In Sheffield your local Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) is Hackenthorpe Lodge. Contact them to discuss their support or book an appointment 0330 223 0099. If you are not in Sheffield you can find your local Sexual Assault Referral centre here.

GP or medical care
Alternatively if you want to speak to a medical professional and you are registered with the Student Health Centre you can book an appointment on 0114 225 2134. Otherwise, you can contact GP at the practice where you are registered. 
Sexual health clinic
If you are concerned about sexually transmitted infections support is available from Sexual Health Sheffield 0114 226 8888

Domestic / Relationship Abuse

A specialist charity in Yorkshire supporting anyone experiencing or affected by domestic abuse or sexual violence. Their teams of accredited specialist workers (IDVA’s and ISVAs) support people through the criminal justice system in addition to providing emotional support and safety planning advice.
Website: https://www.idas.org.uk/   
Out of hours’ helpline - SHEFFIELD Domestic Abuse Helpline. 0808 808 2241 for FREE (Monday – Friday 8:00am – 7:00pm, Saturday – 9:00am – 5:00pm, not open bank holidays) 

Mental health crisis

 Sheffield Support Hub (Mental Health Matters)
Sheffield Support Hub provide emotional, social and practical support to anyone aged 16 and over who are in crisis or feel they are heading toward a crisis situation.
Open Monday to Friday, 6pm - midnight, Saturday and Sunday, 2pm - midnight.
Call: 07890 987 384

A 24-hour support service to discuss personal issues. Many of the Samaritans branches are also open to visitors, so you can to speak to someone in person. They also offer support to those worried about others.
Call: 116 123

A 24/7 text service which aims to take you from a 'hot moment' to feeling calmer. It can offer help if you're experiencing a personal crisis, are unable to cope and need support.
 Text: Send 'Steel' to 85258

You can find further urgent mental health support options on the Sheffield Hallam Wellbeing pages

These support services are for those who might need urgent support.  There are a wider range of services listed under each specific topic or in our full list of support services. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened