We currently offer the following training sessions for staff. If you would like to find out more information or attend a session then please contact us

Sexual Violence Report and Support Workshop (half day)

A half day interactive session which is aimed at Sheffield Hallam staff who are (or are likely to be) supporting students with issues around disclosures of sexual violence.


  • Define sexual violence and understand the range of behaviours
  • Background to the current work
  • Explore sexual consent
  • Identify societal attitudes and rape myths
  • Explore barriers to victims' disclosure
  • Identify the impacts of sexual violence
  • Describe the support available at SHU and how to access it
  • Identify helpful and non-helpful responses when supporting victims
  • Provide an update on current and future work

Sexual Violence Reporting Introduction Session (45 mins)

These sessions are a basic introduction to sexual violence and how to signpost students to appropriate support within SHU. This will be helpful for all staff in student-facing roles Including roles such as security, accommodation, helpdesk staff.


Team meetings (timed to suit - ideally min 30 minutes)

We are also keen to attend team meetings, or away days, or any opportunity where there is a chance to have a discussion with staff and explain our support and share some resources. If you would like us to come and speak to your team please contact us

Staff on line training is available as part of the Protect and Respect package

Protect and Respect Training on line

There are two ways you can tell us what happened